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La història i tradició precedeixen l'Hostal Palanques. L'establiment es va alçar l'any 1933 i des de llavors ha estat oferint els seus serveis als amants de la natura i dels esports de neu. Les nostres instal·lacions es troben a 200 metres del Telecabina de la Massana i disposen de serveis complementaris, com el guarda esquís gratuït. A més, a banda del servei d'habitacions, també podràs gaudir del nostre restaurant, que ofereix un menú diari amb plats del Pirineu.


History and tradition precede the Hostal Palanques. The establishment was built in 1933 and since then it have been offering its services to the nature and snow sports lovers. Our facilities are located at 200 meters from La Massana cable car and we have complementary services, such as free ski storage. In addition, apart from the room service, you can also enjoy our restaurant, which offers a daily menu with typical dishes from the Pyrenees.

Disposem de 16 habitacions equipades amb una dutxa de cabina. El bany és comunitari i comptem amb una sala de televisió i una zona de wifi gratuïta.


We have 16 rooms equipped with a shower cabin. The bathroom is communal and we have a TV room and a free Wi-Fi zone.





We offer a daily continental breakfast with a wide variety of products.

Free Wi-Fi


We have free Wi-Fi in public areas, public telephone and a TV room.



We have different outdoor spaces that are open during all the year and a meeting room.

Daily cleaning


The comfort of the client is our premise. That's why we guarantee a careful daily cleaning.

Proximity to the cable car


We are at 200 meters from the La Massana cable car. We have free ski storage.


In the same building there is a bar and a restaurant that offers a daily menu with its own quality dishes.





Cycling and BTT


The roads of La Massana are perfectly adapted to be discovered on two wheels.

Horse riding


The parish integrates different establishments where you can make horse trips outdoors.



The mountains of La Massana offer different ski runs for beginners and experts.

Mountain routes


La Massana is full of mountain routes for hiking, climbing and other nature activities.

Cultural visits


In the parish you will find places full of Romanesque heritage and several museums where you could know the country better



Near La Massana you have a lot of spaces to make a picnic and enjoy a day surrounded by nature.

Disposem de 16 habitacions equipades amb una dutxa de cabina. El bany és comunitari i comptem amb una sala de televisió i una zona de wifi gratuïta.


"The attention is excellent. My partner and I came to spend a relaxing weekend surrounded by nature and it is precisely what we have had"

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